Monday, February 1, 2010


Tomorrow two friends and I are going to an exclusive MAC party to preview the new spring collection! I can't wait to see all the gorgeousness.

as for life, swim team is over :( senior year swim has been amazing! I've had so much fun with my swim girls. I went to a lot of practices, enjoyed all the meets, and had a blast at the team sleepover and parties! plus we had such delicious eye candy coaches to encourage me and fix my stroke. sigh, I will miss it so so so much! I hated last year but this year was so much fun, it totally makes up for my shitty season last year. I love 2010. I still have one more season of swim team this summer, and then my whole career of swim team is finished. I might swim club in college but nothing legit. I'm not that good. I've gotten accepted to 2 colleges so far, and I'm waiting reply from 2. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous to go off to school because where I am now school is simple, my bills are paid, I have my own car, room, and bathroom, every night I have a yummy home cooked meal, there is a mall 10 minutes away from me where I have a job, and everything is going well. I need to learn to man up though. Part of me is excited for this new life. A life that isn't dictated by my parents and my siblings. I don't know. I still have a few months to get used to the idea.

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